Taiwan - summer getaway.


Have decided at last to consolidate all pictures taken into one post. There're like nearly 200 pictures (new record for me, hah!), so if you do not have time, save it for later? Well, you can still scroll through very simply, but that's such a waste okay! Used up quite a lot of time to process 'em. Anyway, I posted the park pictures already at my old blog, so I will not repeat. 

Homestay is something really common in Taiwan. And believe me, it is sooo much better than staying in a hotel. Save more, and feel like home! 

#1. Vanilla Bear Homestay (宜兰罗东香草熊公园民宿)
The owner was just so sweet! And per night per pax, it's only around RM65. I love all the teddies so much!

#2. Sealuv Homestay (宜兰真情非凡行馆)
This is, by far, the BEST homestay I have ever been to. Standard like hotel, but feel like home. Everything was just too beautiful to be true! Since it's kinda costly, we only stayed for a night. 


Next, cafes! We did not intentionally make it a coffee trip, but it turned out that way! Cafes are just so common in Taiwan. There's even one day we got such high dosage we almost wanted to puke by just inhaling the coffee aroma! 

#1. We and Me Cafe
This is in a very unnoticed area at Taipei. Very tiny, but warm waiters! Good food! 

Snapping some OOTDs.

#2. Mr. Brown Coffee Castle (宜兰伯朗咖啡馆)
This is something really famous in Taiwan, but I personally think the coffee's normal only. Nothing special, and no ohm at all... And I hate how they try to save cost by using paper cups and plates. You know what's cafe?! It just made me feel like 7-11 or a vending machine! :( 

#3. Agrioz Museum(宜兰橘之乡蜜饯形象馆)
There're a lot of things to do here, but we only shot around the cafeteria. 

#4. Tangerine Cafe (宜兰橘子餐厅)
Nothing special, just a balcony to see view. We stopped by because it's really too hot outside.

#5. Plum Flower Lake + Small Bear Cafe (宜兰梅花湖 + 小熊书房)
The lake was quite nice. The cafe was just beside. Didn't get to enter because it's fullhouse. 

#6. Kato Mili Cafe (桃园卡托米利餐厅)
This cafe was REALLY beautiful. The exterior was super unique. However, I think the management has got some problems... They didn't really maintain the building and the time we went, there're only 2 staff working. And the food was a little weird too. Overall, it's still fantastic for photo-shooting! 

That's all for my Taiwan trip! Thanks for reading :)

Wishing you a lovely Wednesday.

love, M. 

This entry was posted on Tuesday 14 August 2012 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

6 Responses to “Taiwan - summer getaway. ”

  1. (Y) It made my day!
    Keep it uppppp! :] sissy!

    1. (Stephanie Lee)

      Hoho, really? Thank you!

      Of coursey :)

  2. The last one Kato Mili Cafe looks like Santorini omg so nice!!!

    1. (Cheyenne)

      I know right! I once dreamed to visit Santorini one day but I think I don't anymore now :P


