The Netherlands . . . According to iPhone.

If you know of the weight and bulkiness of a DSLR, you will truly appreciate having your iPhone to conveniently snap away anything! The Netherlands just took my breath away. It is perfect to shift away from all the cathedrals, British streets and structures that I have seen too much of to windmills strategically located in a wide field of lush greenery and have I not mentioned? The quirky signature rooftops of Amsterdam just had me snapping continuously despite the rain. More pictures soon from the camera. Meanwhile pass my phone images! 

Have a good day x

love, M

Gear: iPhone5; Editing: Picfx

This entry was posted on Thursday 7 November 2013 and is filed under ,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

13 Responses to “The Netherlands . . . According to iPhone. ”

  1. omgggggggggggg!
    seriously, i cant believe that these are taken by using iPhone!
    nice capture & i really really love your style hehe :)

  2. gorgeous photos! Wouldn't have known they were from an iPhone if you hadn't told us! haha.

  3. You're pictures are so pretty !xo

  4. Everything is so perfectly shot, even with just an iPhone! :o

  5. You do what u do best. Capture the world in a magic way.
    Have a great weekend:)

    1. Thank you for the kind words, as always! <3

  6. What a great pictures, you are so amazing Mandy.
    Ah..!!! btw, your IG is one of inspiring instagram was include in Indonesian Magazine "Hijabella".
    So proud of you.
    Sorry I'm not good in English..^^

    1. Omg really? Would want to see it.. Aaah :( Anyway thank you so much! <3 And don't worry your English is perfectly understandable :)

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