My Instagram journey.

I was greatly inspired by [Stephanie Lee] this morning on her photography triplets. Instantly an idea popped somewhere in my mind and there I went, grabbing and compiling some of my past Instagram pictures. I joined Instagram on June 2011 and I must say it is an absolutely incredible journey. Although my passion's gradually fading out for now, I will never forget those excitements and memories it had once brought me along the way. 

The Good Ol' Days
These are the very first pictures I posted. The middle one's my first, and it's when I set out to work on a depressing rainy day. Sadly I deleted all of these in an attempt to make the account focusing solely on photography. 

Simplicity Ruled It All
My first series on Instagram. I remember placing a white A4 beneath and excitedly captured with my iPhone 4. I really love the softness they yield.

Earlybird Love
Earlybird was my all time favorite filter. In fact, I used none other. Unfortunately, it's no longer sustainable with the introduction of many new color-rich filters. I do miss the hashtags #earlybird and #earlybirdlove very much though! 

Poco Homemade
This series of pictures got me really into the Instagram world. As [Cheyenne] featured me on her popular account (which I really really appreciated!), I found myself getting more followers and enjoying many kind words. I still love this series a lot until today! 

Along the way I received so many sweet and friendly words. When I said I was depressed, some could go writing a long paragraph to cheer me up, and they really warmed me to the bottom of heart. The middle one's when I just started out, and felt so happy to cross the 100 followers boundary. The third's when my favorite Instagrammer followed me and I swear I was so happy I jumped and hit the ceiling. 

Le Me
I don't really post my personal pictures on Instagram because I am very afraid of how people would judge me. I still do it occasionally though! 

Nashville was once my favorite too! The pink tone is so lovely!

I love pictures of food! I may do it too often, but I still enjoy it very much.

Surprisingly, my followers love my posts on accessories. Somehow I got to collect more and more along the way and I am always happy to share. 

Some toys capture.

Oh, Camera!
I always like posting pictures of cameras, especially vintage ones. The middle's a plush my sister made. 

I think I posted most pictures on scenery. I like to share pictures of my travel diary and receive feedback. The left one's the first picture from me to get to the popular page! 

Flower Power
You know I love flowers. Just looking at their beauty makes me smile. 

And I am also glad to know some think I am good at capturing vintage pictures. I love vintage very much myself, and I really hope to do more vintage shoots in the future. The right one is the most satisfying vintage photoshoot I have done :) 

If you have the free time, I tag you to do this wonderful photography triplet on whatever themes you love! 

love, M

This entry was posted on Saturday 16 March 2013 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

16 Responses to “My Instagram journey.”

  1. This is just perfection. :') You're amazing, please don't stop inspiring!

    1. Thanks for your kind words! Always encourage me to do better <3

  2. how do you join all these photos together!!! I find it so difficult to do so hahahahaha.

    1. You can download Photoscape to do so, my dear! :)

    2. ah I see!!! thankyou!!!! I really love your photos hehe keep up the good work! and also I love seeing your short videos, I'm always inspired to do some as well!

    3. Aw, thank you!! You should definitely do some, compiling short vids is very fun!

  3. Love this post and glad to know u a lil more through ig & ur blog. It's really inspiring! :)

    1. Thanks, love! I'm glad to have shared xx

    2. You should do blogpost like this more often!! :D

    3. I will try okie! Thanks you :)

  4. Wow these are amazing girl! Anyway, I know this is out-of-topic. But how did you make a new page for Archive like you did in your old blog ( I really need to know. xx Alaric

    1. You can go to the left panel in your Blogger control page and select 'Pages'. From there you can add any pages you want and place it as 'top tabs' :) No problem my dear x

  5. Thank u for your instagram journey. Great pics as always.


