A World in Black & White.

I came across many pictures lately in black & white. They are just so beautiful. I think the way a modern B&W picture works is that it gets rid of unwanted elements in a picture  as colors sometimes can be confusing and unnecessary. Black & White is simplistic and straight-to-the-point. It's full of emotions and capable of conveying message stronger. It trains the eyes, to stop indulging in the world of palettes, greedily wanting more and more. A loss of vividness at times is great, it makes me see more closely the stories behind. 

My pictures weren't shot at an aim to make it B&W, but I'm quite satisfied these turn out this way with post-processing. Hope you love them!  

As a site note, I have recently set up a Nuffnang account because I realized many Malaysian bloggers are using that. I guess it enhances the blog-surfing experience :) Follow me [here]!

London pictures up next. Happy Sunday! x

love, M

This entry was posted on Sunday 10 March 2013 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

10 Responses to “A World in Black & White. ”

  1. there's a quote that said when you took a photograph in black and white, you capture the color of the soul and you did it very well :) Always adore your photograph! Have a nice day, Mandy :)

    sincerely, sheryl

    1. That's such a great quote! Thanks for sharing, and for the kind words! Have a lovely day too xoxo

  2. Your blog is so beautiful, the b&w makes these look so serene xx


  3. How come your photos still so stunning beautiful when it's in B&W? Couldn't get to capture so lovely pics like urs! :(

    1. Such an overstatement! I'm sure yours look great too! Keep a positive mind xx

  4. I think that colors are a good way to express certain emotions yet black and white shows the potential of a photo without the distractions of colors - the viewer focusses on the composition, on the play of light and shadow and the contrast. That's why I admire people who are able to take such beautiful black and white photos just like you do. <3

    1. You described it so well! Thanks for the appreciation too, always so sweet <3

  5. I love the feeling in your black and whites photos. Really great pics..


